Saturday, October 15, 2005

Are global taxes near?

Global disasters may require global taxes. This is said in an ever changing world. I don’t want to bother you with considerations about the chalanges for the world in the next decades. They are becoming self-evident. Problems of environmental degradation, poverty and population have, for example a clear international context. The question is, whether taxes may play a role in providing a solution?

While many institutions attempt to reach international consensus on a policy to tackle global problems, one should not forget mechanisms of global taxation such as a taxation on air tickets (discussed within the EU in 2005), on weapon sales (as suggested by the Brazilian President). The following list includes a number of examples of taxes which imposed globally would "help" solve some of the international problems:
- Taxing resources of the sea;
- Tax on air and sea traffic;
- Taxes on telecommunications;
- Taxes on the arms trade and the production of weapons;
- Carbon and kerosene tax (tax on aircraft fuel);
- Environmental taxes (tax on tradable emission rights);
- Taxes on capital flows (Tobin tax) .

Although the UN Under Secretary General announced the launch of a study looking into global taxes as an alternative source of funding development aid fund , developments are not expected soon. If you are interested on the subject I suggest you to read the general analysis on global taxes by the Global Policy Forum’s - Click here.


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